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WIMMA Capstone ™

WIMMA Capstone™ is a project learning environment where companies/communities and students meet with real work life challenges. Students in teams determine product development challenges set by different software companies or communities.The work is done together with instructors, peer instructors and company representatives.

The word Capstone is English and marks the finished surface layer of the stone floor that is visible to the person in the space. Getting a beautiful stone surface of the stone surface requires skills and special expertise.Similar skills are also developed and highlighted in the results of WIMMA Capstone ™ projects.

The project focuses on working efficiently in the team, but also to distribute actively learned across team boundaries.Project assignments arise from the needs of the clients, but their goals are transformed into a meaningful learning entity for students.

After completing the WIMMA Capstone™ study unit, the student can in the best situtaion find a internship or employed after delivering the assignment with new skills.

WIMMA Capstone ™ is a true screen for a student!The study unit will be completed in the final stages of the studies and, as a result, the previously learned skills will be deepened to meet the requirements of working life.

Nature of WIMMA Capstone™

As an educational institution, we help companies/communities find appropriate factors for future product development and service production.The approach is developed together with students to meet the needs of businesses.The goal of WIMMA Capstone ™ is to build a "seamless" connection between the school and the world of work.Project studies enable new knowledge and useful networks as a natural part of the student's study path.

Project work is done intensively in the group for about three months. WIMMA Capstone will start a small -scale 2025 and expand in the coming years.Come with!

The student participates in a software or technology project with an external company/community/private person as client. The project progresses starting from planning and ending in delivery or possible entry to production. During the course, the project teams work independently but support in various competence fields is provided if needed. After the project the student know general practices of software production and is able to apply them to project work. The student understands the working methods of the project team and their benefits/challenges. The student is able to produce a solution that meets the client's needs as part of the team.

At the beginning of the project you familiarize yourself and review all necessary basic concepts of software engineering and visit guest lectures introducing working life technologies and prevailing practices. After the introduction phase you are joined as part of a project team that works on an assignment defined by a client. The assignment is given by a company, community or a private person. The assignments and their various forms are defined more precisely between the client and the project team implementing the assignment.

Work during the project is intensive team work and requires commitment from every team member. Depending on the assignment, various professional skills develop at individual level, such as programming, design, testing or security skills. Besides professional skills also various working life skills develop, e.g., team work, communication and problem solving skills. During the project students learn to draft the needed contracts, work as a team and participate in project planning, definition, implementation, and quality assurance.

Ways of joining WIMMA Capstone™

There is two different paths which you can select to learn about project working at domain of software development.

You can join course in two different ways. By joining the course as OBSERVER you will recap basic methods and technologies for modern project working and you are able to observer projects in progress. Observer course implementation is 3 ECTs.

If you want to get your HANDS ON with project working you have to pass through criterias to be elected to join project teams. HANDS ON course will be 3ECTs + 12 ECTS for project working.

Learning path for the OBSERVER

During their studies, the student completes the 3ECTS orientation period and can follow the progress of projects throughout the other course.Observer studies are possible to complete EUDRES as a joint study.

This path is open for students who would like to learn in general how projets are delivered and which skills are valuable in the field of software engineering.

This path is open also for student from EUDRES co-operative scools.

Learning path for ro HANDS ON person

During this path the student will participates in team as a member of the team and works on the assignment throughout the project. This is 15 ECTS. At this stage (possible in future) studies are not possible for Euders student.

Info for EUDRES Students

This course is still under development and we will inform all stakeholders when we are officially ready for course implementation which will integrate project teams and observers. We are assuming this is realiyt 2026.

Learning together with companies

Modern software development is a wide and demanding entity. In an ICT engineer in education, the JAMK IT Institute is an experienced player and developer. WIMMA Capstone™ projects are holistic software development contexts which include as default methods of agile development, guidance applied Dev, SEC, OPS and TEST skills as part of product development.

Project Proposals from the real companys and professionals

How we are organized during project working phase

In the implementation it is possible to include students in connection with the EUDRES collaboration. The conditions for participation are defined separately.

Working life skills are most strongly learned in cooperation with different people.Developing technical skills often requires a interlocutor who can learn new perspectives.The "talk the duck" method alone is not enough.Teamwork can sometimes be challenging, but at best also very rewarding.WIMMA Capstone ™ encourages peer learning and we strongly strive for student orientation.By default, the training does not work with project funding, but is part of the JAMK IT Institute's free -choice study path.All you need is enthusiastic companies and experts to help you create a new generation of education environment where everyone wins!

Read more about observers tasks

Learning by observing other teams.

Read more about monitoring and observing

About Learning outcomes?

What could you learn during projects?

Working during the project is intensive teamwork and requires commitment from every member of the group. Depending on the assignment, during the project, different professional competences are developed at the individual level, such as programming, planning, testing and information security. In addition to important professional skills, different working life skills are developed, such as teamwork, communication and problem solving skills. During the project, you will learn to draw up the necessary contracts, work as a team, participate in project planning, definition work, implementation and quality

Common Process for development

There can be lot of problmes ahead if development team has predefined workflows or anykind of process to support working as a team.

WIMMA Capstone provides state of art project working and tool workflow for all teams as default.

If the client company would like to provide own project flow it won't be a problem.

Read About Process and Tools

WIMMA Capstone™ facts in brief

  1. Duration and Objective:
  2. WIMMA Capstone spans approximately three and a half months.
  3. Student will be joining introduction course which is taking 1 month and during course there will be team building for client cases or challenges.
  4. Student can join course in two different ways: As Observer or Hands On
  5. The primary objective of introduction course is to engage students to learn real world skills by using project-based learning where they develop and deliver Solutions or Proof Of Concepts
  6. Challenges are posed by external entities such as partner companies, research programs, or universities.

  7. Project Based Learning:

  8. Students work on real-world problems provided by these external entities.
  9. The focus is on agile development, moving swiftly from idea to execution.
  10. Agile practices like Sprints and Kanban boards drive solution development.

  11. Teamwork and Collaboration:

  12. Effective teamwork is emphasized.
  13. Students collaborate in multidisciplinary project teams.
  14. They gain experience in cross-disciplinary problem-solving.

  15. Contacts and Networking:

  16. External experts provide valuable insights.
  17. Students have opportunities to network with company representatives.

  18. Virtual Companies and Assignments:

  19. Let's explore some of the virtual companies and their assignments:
    • IoTitude: Building open-source services using technologies like React, TypeScript, Robot Framework, and Kubernetes.
    • Mysticons: Focused on security, monitoring, and log events.
    • Overflow: Designed a forum service for WimmaLab.
    • Pengwin Media: Responsible for marketing and event materials.

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