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SEMAT Agile Essence

In the WIMMA Capstone project learning enviroment is evaluating use of the Agile Essence standard is applied in the observation of team activities, which will be "lightly" introduced in the spring of 2024.

What does mean Essence - Agile Software development

Agile Essence - method

In the context of agile software development, the term "essence" refers to the core set of principles, practices, and values that underlie the agile methodology. In Essence provides a way to define and communicate the essential elements of agile development, regardless of the specific approach or framework being used.

Essence is intended to be a simple and flexible model that can be adapted to the unique needs and context of each team or organization. It provides a common language and framework for discussing and understanding the key elements of agile software development, including:

  • Delivering value to customers through working software or tangible outcomes
  • Prioritizing collaboration, communication, and feedback among team members and stakeholders
  • Embracing change and responding quickly to new information or requirements
  • Fostering a culture of continuous improvement through reflection and adaptation
  • Creating a supportive and empowering environment for team members to do their best work
  • Essence can help teams and organizations to stay focused on the essential elements of agile development and to continuously improve their processes and practices over time.

Observation of the project with Alpha Cards

There is by default seven different perspectives which are used for observation for project. The selected perspectives are called "Alpha State" cards. These cards are also integrated as part of of the OPF framework in the form of Gitlab issues.

Agile Essence Alpha Card in practice

Alpha State Card issuet in context of OPF

Purpose of business? Why is the project being done? Who benefits from it?

Team building and cooperation

Structure of the software/solution


The requirements set for the service

Team competence

Tools and methods of operation