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Assesment process

Assesment criterias for 1-5

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

You participate in project work as an individual and complete the assigned tasks with guidance. You work sufficiently (60%) within the estimated workload. You get an average of 1 in peer evaluation, customer feedback, and instructors' evaluation.

Satisfactory (2)

You participate in project work as an individual and complete the assigned tasks under guidance. You work sufficiently (70%)within the estimated workload. You get an average of 2 in the peer evaluation, customer feedback, and instructors' evaluation.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

You participate in project work actively and complete the assigned tasks independently. You work sufficiently (80-90%)within the estimated workload. You get an average of 3 in the peer evaluation, customer feedback, and instructors' evaluation

Very good (4)

You actively participate in project work and complete the assigned tasks independently. You know how to share your own know-how and, if necessary, help others to progress. You work sufficiently (90-100%) within the estimated workload. You get an average of 4 in the peer evaluation, customer feedback and instructors' evaluation

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

You participate in project work very intensively and play a decisive role in terms of the assignment. You master the practices of project management or work on a technically demanding solution. You know how to work actively in cooperation with the client. If necessary, you are able to guide the group towards the given goals. You work sufficiently (90-100%) within the estimated workload . You get an average of 5 in the peer evaluation, customer feedback and instructors' evaluation

Further information

The evaluation is based on peer evaluation within the group, feedback from the client and the supervisors' observations.