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There several ways to do it!

Mentoring or specialist

A Tech Talk !

General themes

  • The presentation may be ~ 45min in length and will also be reserved for about 15 minutes of discussion.
  • Show an example what do you do?If possible show what you do in practice?

Preliminary ideas for the show

  • The presentation can be accompanied by a short company introduction/presentation
  • What kind of employment opportunities your company offers?
  • What is my day at the customer interface?
  • What is my day in programming tasks?
  • Working as roject Manager's Week?
  • What does the product manager do?
  • Unit tests, why is it important to us?
  • What is it when you really fuck?The real challenges of software production ...
  • Software Tester, that is, what does it mean?
  • What does advanced test automation mean?
  • Why are processes developed?
  • How do product development and sales work together?

Motivation speech :)

  • Do you wanna raise issues on board and and foster new ideas with students?
  • Why you should study and what :)?

Target Audience

Generally, software students and other people interested in the subject:

~ 30-50 people

  • Third -year software technology students
  • Day + Multi-Fashion Groups + TE Training Group
  • Staff etc ..

Freetime activities

Sponsor a fun event for WIMMA Capstone teams, like a walk to a nearby park, and chat with students about your company. Promote your workplace in a casual setting and recruit students that are the best fit.