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EUR-ACE Acreditation and SFIA Evaluation

EUR-ACE Knowledge and understanding

You know the methods and practices generally used in the software industry. If necessary, you can take into account the practices of other industries if the assignment requires it.

EUR-ACE Engineering practice

You know how to apply general tools and methods used by software production as part of working on a project. If necessary, you can modify them to suit the purpose. You know how to document and implement entities in accordance with the objectives of assignments in such a way that it is also possible to further develop them. This means appropriate documentation and the use of methods known in the field.

EUR-ACE Investigations and information retrieval

You can search for additional information related to the assignment from suitable sources and use new information to develop your own operating environment and workflow. If necessary, you are able to familiarize yourself with an unfamiliar industry and its practices based on different sources.

EUR-ACE Communication and team-working

You know how to work actively as part of a multi-talented work group and act together with different stakeholders. You recognize and know how to take into account ethical and cultural perspectives in teamwork. You are able to incorporate your own expertise into the work of the work group and, if necessary, you are able to develop your expertise in the necessary areas.

EUR-ACE Multidisciplinary competences

Through project work, you will learn the meaning of guidance, project planning and scheduling. You know how to work as a team member and take care of the assigned tasks in order to achieve the goals. You learn to take into account external factors that can affect the progress of the project. If necessary, you can identify risk factors that may affect the implementation of the assignment and may require sufficient foresight. EUR-ACE

SFIA Competence Framework under Evaluation 2025

WIMMA Capstone is currently evaluating SFIA Skill Framework to enhance already used EUR-ACE

About a Skill Framework

A skills framework is a structured set of guidelines or competencies that outline the knowledge, skills, and abilities required for a particular job or role. Skills frameworks are commonly used in human resources management, training and development, and professional certification programs.

Some common features of skill frameworks include:

  • Job or role-specific competencies: Skill frameworks are typically tailored to the specific requirements of a particular job or role, and outline the specific knowledge, skills, and abilities required to be successful in that role.
  • Hierarchical structure: Skill frameworks are often structured in a hierarchical manner, with broader competencies at the top of the hierarchy and more specific skills at the lower levels.
  • Self-assessment tools: Many skill frameworks include self-assessment tools that allow individuals to assess their own knowledge, skills, and abilities against the framework, and to identify areas for improvement.
  • Professional development: Skill frameworks can be used to guide professional development and training, helping individuals to identify the skills they need to acquire in order to be successful in their role.
  • Recruitment and selection: Skill frameworks can be used as part of the recruitment and selection process, helping employers to assess the qualifications and skills of job applicants.

As conclusion, a skills framework is a structured set of guidelines or competencies that outline the knowledge, skills, and abilities required for a particular job or role. They are commonly used to support human resources management, training and development, and professional certification programs, and can help individuals to assess their own skills, guide their professional development, and support recruitment and selection processes.