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Do you want to be our client

Let's walk together!

12 credits are reserved for project workin! Which means a student at maximum ~ 330 h work load

  • Project team size is generally 4-6 people

What does this cost to my business?

  • Book time for guidance as the bridge has the opportunity to have the best result.
  • Time for experts needed to support the assignment
  • Other resources required for the assignment to support the team
  • No separate compensation in the direction of JAMK

I already know everything!Where can I tell you what I want to order ...

It is still worth going through the points below, but if you have the client really in a hurry And you know the process for years so answer the Forms survey at the end of the page!

Offical Schedule

You will find offical schedule here

wishes for a possible commissioner

The assignments require the subscriber to commit to the following areas:

  • Requirement Definition Together with the team
  • Needed technical support to help team
  • Ready Ready for Processes/Documents Including the following areas: __ requirement definition, project plan, test plan and other documentation considered necessary
  • The sponsor will provide resources for eg cloud services/licenses if needed
  • Management team meetings 2-3 pcs
  • Subscriber appoints a person who is a group accessible during work

** Note !!Working space and the necessary resources are very welcome! **

(In previous years, companies (eg Qvantel, Landis & Gyr and Digia) have provided their premises for students)

** What the principal should remember **

  • Students will not be earmarked for projects in advance!
  • Students may not know the problem field at all and it requires familiarity
  • Trying to balance the structure of the groups that everyone has a sufficient knowledge base for the assigned assignment
  • Book time for team "control" a few hours a week (10h total resources are not successful)
  • Student team needs support but can surprise you very positively
  • Good guidance and monitoring will surely bring out the result

What can you order?

** What kind of projects have been done in the past? **

  • [References from previous years] (project

By default, the assignment is a software/service package that requires planning and familiarity

For example, the order may be subject to:

  • Technical Poc (Proof of Concept)
  • Implementing an area of software/service with alternative technology.
  • Survey of the purpose of the suitability of different technologies.
  • New Open Source solutions eg to improve test automation
  • Service Protest Types
  • Suggest your own?