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WIMMA Capstone Introduction Course (3ECTS)

Welcome to intro course! Introduction course is same for all student in WIMMA Capstone. There is two separate paths which are selected after introduction phase.

In the initial phase of the project, you will familiarize yourself with and review the necessary basic concepts of software production and, in the form of visiting lectures, you will get to know the technologies used in working life and the prevailing methods of operation. After the introduction phase, you will be assigned to a project group that will work on the agreed assignment with tools and project methods. The project groups are independent and work on their own assignment. The assignment is set by a company, community or individual. Assignments are defined more precisely between the client and the implementing project team.

Introduction + OBSERVER

Introduction + HANDS OND

Element Part of implementation
Selection of three assignments 3 ECTs INTRODUCTION
Observing projects in practices OBSERVER
Working in project ~300 hours HANDS ON
Project rituals and goals HANDS ON
Project Events and End seminar HANDS ON
Task to do Course Misc
Pass through three assignments Introduction - course All student deliver three assingment
Observer's Learning Diary OBSERVER -course Student delivers diary about project working
Personal Learning Diary HANDS ON - course
Project End Report HANDS ON - course
Workhour Reporting HANDS ON - course

Themes for Introduction

Themes for WIMMA Capstone Introduction

Choose three

  1. Using Gitlab for Project Management and practices Fundamentals of OPF (1 ECTS)
  2. Agile and Lean thinking (1 ECTS)
  3. Software Service and Business
  4. Kubernetes (1 ECTS)
  5. Test Automation in practice (1 ECTS)

Quality Assurance Recap

  • Recap Quality Assurance
  • Why we need quality assurance?
  • Software testing?
  • What you should test?
  • Test Case -> Test suite or Checklist?
  • Verification vs validation?

Methods and practices