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Session for requirement gathering

Let's try to gather understanding of assignment and user profiles

  • What is the problem you are trying to solve with the software?
  • How does this problem affect your work or life
  • What are the current solutions or alternatives you are using to address this problem?
  • What are their advantages and disadvantages
  • How do you measure the success or failure of the current solutions?
  • What are the key performance indicators or metrics you use?
  • What are the features or functions you expect the software to have?
  • How would they help you solve the problem or achieve your goals
  • How do you prefer to interact with the software?
  • What are the devices, platforms, or interfaces you use or would like to use?
  • Who are the other stakeholders or users involved in the software?
  • What are their roles, needs, and preferences?
  • How do they communicate or collaborate with you?
  • What are the risks or challenges you anticipate or face in using the software?
  • How can they be mitigated or overcome?

Why do we need this kind of session?

Requirement gathering in software project is the process of collecting and analyzing the information and needs of the stakeholders and users for the software product. It is an essential step in the software development life cycle, as it helps to define the scope, objectives, features, and quality of the software. Requirement gathering also helps to avoid any misunderstandings, conflicts, or gaps between the expectations and the deliverables of the software project

There are different methods and techniques for requirement gathering, such as interviews, workshops, surveys, prototyping, and focus groups. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, depending on the type, size, and complexity of the software project. The choice of the method depends on factors such as the availability and accessibility of the stakeholders, the budget and time constraints, the level of detail and clarity needed, and the feedback mechanism

The requirement gathering process typically consists of five steps: defining problems, identifying stakeholders, gathering requirements, prioritizing requirements, and validating requirements. These steps help to ensure that the requirements are clear, complete, consistent, and relevant to the software project

Requirement gathering is a crucial part of software project management, as it can have a significant impact on the success or failure of the software product. Effective requirement gathering can lead to benefits such as better project planning and alignment, identifying potential risks, improved customer satisfaction, and reduced rework and costs