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Project Status Check!

  • EVENT: Project Status Check
  • At: Friday 22.3.2024 at 9:30
  • Location: ZOOM-channel

About project status check

During project progress, it's common that there will be a situations where the project team has be able to show some progress to the various stakeholders. Team should prepare for this by keeping a project status overview and making sure that stakeholder have a good understanding of ​​the project's status. If the group receives a request to present a situation overview, there is usually too little time for large-scale information gathering!!

How status check is executed?

  • 2-3 teams selected to check
  • Team presents status using just Power Point
  • Presentation is short 5-6 pages! Max 10 min
  • Target audience: Customer/Product Owner/Visitor

Collect information about following items in the situation report

  • Create Power Point and collect information in 5-6 pages

You should be as a team able to answer questions below

  • Current status of the group in general and spiritual form :)
  • What has been done recently ?
  • What we are working on right now
  • IS the ROADMAP and FEATURE set still same?
  • Major challenges and victories
  • How many hours have spended for the work at this point?
  • How much is the price for the work currently?
  • Generel schedule for rest of project
  • What features will be ready for DEMO 15.4.2024??

This is not a place for demos!