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Agile Retrospective

In the context of Agile development, a Retrospective is a meeting held at the end of each iteration or sprint. The purpose of this meeting is to reflect on the past work and identify ways to improve.

During a Retrospective, the team discusses:

  • What worked well during the sprint.
  • What did not go as planned.
  • How to make the next work period better.

The Retrospective is an opportunity for the team to improve teamwork by reflecting on their experiences. It's recommended to run a Retrospective every couple of weeks or at the end of a project milestone. This practice helps ensure that issues impeding performance or productivity are addressed promptly and improvements are made continuously.

In essence, the Retrospective is about learning from the past to improve the future. It's a key principle of Agile development that helps teams become more effective.

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Participants in an Agile Retrospective

In an Agile Retrospective session, the following roles typically participate:

  • Scrum Master: The Scrum Master often facilitates the Retrospective meeting. They are accountable for the Scrum Team's effectiveness and help the team improve its practices within the Scrum framework.

  • Team Members: This includes developers, testers, business analysts, quality assurance professionals, and other specialists such as technical writers, database engineers, etc. These are the people who actively contribute to meeting the deliverables for the iteration.

  • Product Owner: The Product Owner may also participate in the Retrospectives. They interact with the team and their participation can help the team adjust to working with the Product Owner.

The structure of the Retrospective can vary depending on the team and the organization. Some teams may choose to rotate the facilitator role or include other stakeholders in the meeting. The key is to ensure that the Retrospective remains a safe space for open and honest discussion about the team's processes and practices.

When we should keep of Retro?

Retrospection should be arrange after sprint review session

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