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Setting up OPF for Gitlab

Some background

The OPF-project environment is a preorganized Gitlab repository with selected files and folders. Several Gitlab features like git repostiory, issue tracker and CI/CD Pipeline are used a foundation for a working environment. As a student you will be working with independent project and template documents. Project environment is generated automatically by request.

Target of PT1

Primary target for PT1-exercise is to take in use template version of project documentation and modify some configuration files to make it better suitable for student use.

Here are the next steps:

  • Naming the project, adding important information and publish project pages to external world
  • Execute first CI/CD-pipeline jobs
  • Get used with the OPF folder structure and documents
  • First document edits with MarkDown documents
  • Creation of MarkDown Table
  • Add images and links
  • Add images from local git repository
  • Editing PlantUML diagrams and dealing with problems in CI/CD Pipeline

1. Getting to know the OPF project framework

We have created for you a personal project repository in Labranet Gitlab according to the OPF project framework. Now we begin to get acquainted with its content and purpose.

Some important steps to create and link files and creation of new from template files

The content of the OPF framework may seem extensive, but it is worth reading the material in section ** 2.4 Project documentation ** and on the basis of this it is conceived that the framework works in the so-called project folder.

Why we are using PlantUML tool? Because of UML! What a heck is it?

UML diagrams are a widely used way to describe the structures / architecture and implementation of software products. Definitely worth a look Unified Modelling Language -descriptions independently. In the current course, a few diagrams are lightly used as part of the documents. To produce these diagrams, the PlantUML generator, which works as part of the Gitlab service, is utilized.