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Installing PrestaShop as SUT

Make sure you have installed metallb first.. Check kubernetes materia...

helm install my-release oci://

Instead of install message you have to forcer real IP addres for service (CSC IP)

export APP_HOST=
Rest of commands can be executed without problems

export APP_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace default my-release-prestashop -o jsonpath="{.data.prestashop-password}" | base64 -d)
export DATABASE_ROOT_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace default my-release-mariadb -o jsonpath="{.data.mariadb-root-password}" | base64 -d)
export APP_DATABASE_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace default my-release-mariadb -o jsonpath="{.data.mariadb-password}" | base64 -d)

Next thing is add also prestashop service container with needed parameters

helm upgrade --namespace default new-presta-v3 oci:// \
    --set prestashopHost=$APP_HOST,prestashopPassword=$APP_PASSWORD,mariadb.auth.rootPassword=$DATABASE_ROOT_PASSWORD,mariadb.auth.password=$APP_DATABASE_PASSWORD
You should now see message like:

** Please be patient while the chart is being deployed **1. Get the PrestaShop URL by running:

  echo "Store URL:"
  echo "Admin URL:"

2. Get your PrestaShop login credentials by running:

  echo Admin Email   :
  echo Admin Username:
  echo Admin Password: $(kubectl get secret --namespace default new-presta-v3-prestashop -o jsonpath="{.data.prestashop-password}" | base64 -d)

Presta Shop Base Image

Presta Shop Releases