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2.0 Stakeholders

WIMMA Lab has a variety of stakeholders, both internal and external. Stakeholders include all those who interact in some way with WIMMA Lab.

Stakeholder map
The stakeholder map describes the relationships between different stakeholders in WIMMA Lab.

2.1 Internal Stakeholders

Internal stakeholders include those who are pulling and participating in WIMMA Lab. They are key people of WIMMA Lab without whom WIMMA Lab would not be possible.


The founder arranges facilities and equipment for WIMMA Lab. He is looking for networks utilizing assignments and designing virtual enterprise configurations. The founder works mainly in the background and supports the coach and WIMMA Labs.

Rintamäki advises Mysticons members
The founder of WIMMA Lab, Marko "Narsu" Rintamäki advises Mysticons members.

Head Coach

The coach is usually a student himself, who participates in the role of a WIMMA Lab instructor. He guides the students in WIMMA Lab and supports them in their daily work. He begins to get acquainted with the assignments as early as possible and acquires a broad understanding of each subject. The coach participates in the interviews of the applicants and participates in the selection of the participating students. At the start of WIMMA Lab, the coach will team up the participating students and strive to maintain a good atmosphere throughout the project. He has experience in project management and networking.

Minttu Mäkäläinen
Minttu Mäkäläinen worked as a coach at WIMMA Lab in the summer of 2018. At the same time, he collected material for WIMMA Lab Black Book, which he wrote for his thesis based on summer experiences.

Support Engineers

Supporters offer eg. technical support and bring their expertise to support WIMMA Labile in a variety of areas. They give their own, weighty opinion when considering alternatives. Usually they have themselves taken part in a previously organized WIMMA Lab.

Teemu Kontio
Teemu Kontio has served as WIMMA Lab's technical support person in 2016-2018. He participated in the WIMMA Lab, a student's own role in 2015.


Students taking part in WIMMA Lab and working as virtual companies. They will gain experience in project work and tasks in their field and create a professional network.

2.2 External Stakeholders

External stakeholders include those who support and assist WIMMA Lab when needed. External stakeholders also include sponsors who bring tasks to WIMMA Lab, as well as visitors who come to know the theme and motivate the participants.

Special attention should be paid to external stakeholders in marketing planning (read more about marketing in chapter 10).


The sponsors bring the issues to be solved to WIMMA Lab. The sponsor undertakes to present the problem and provide sufficient information if necessary. It is his responsibility to provide the necessary framework for solving the problem (for example, user names in the sponsor's system, adequate rights, etc.). The sponsor periodically gives feedback to the team about their progress and guides the solution in the right direction.


WIMMA Lab is invited to invite as many visitors as possible to see the general public and learn about the students and assignments. Visitors from companies can teach their own field and offer their expertise to support a particular problem. Visitors can also view WIMMA Lab participants for recruitment and find suitable trainees or employees.

Lauri Mäkinen
Lauri Mäkinen from Qvantel speaking to WIMMA Labians.


Usually companies are. Sponsors receive resources to solve problems and finance. Sponsors can also offer evening entertainment events such as Kaunailla or Kettu Keter (read more about these in Chapter 12) for WIMMA Labs. At the same time, they get to know the WIMMA Labile recruitment.


Students are potential candidates for the next WIMMA Lab. They should be taken into account when planning marketing in order to ensure the number of applicants for the next year (read more about marketing in chapter 10).


The alumni are participants of WIMMA Lab in previous years. It is worthwhile utilizing the skills and potential work contacts of alumni. Ask them to visit and share best practices from last year and provide useful tips for teams.

Other educational institutions

Other educational institutions are potential partners, although they are also competitors. They can have their own version of WIMMA Lab rotating and want to learn about different ways of working and practices.

Open doors for guests

The aim is to invite a wide range of guests to open doors on various grounds. It would be good to have at least as many as possible representatives of the sponsors to see the progress and give feedback. It is advisable to try to get guests from different companies to get acquainted with the knowledge and students. Different degrees of students can also come to the site to learn about WIMMA Lab's activities and projects, both from their own school and from other educational institutions.


Different companies may be interested in WIMMA Labs in a purely recruitment sense. As the reputation of WIMMA Lab grows, the business world is starting to attract new, team-skilled professionals, especially through WIMMA Lab.