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4.0 Assignments

It is very important for the success of WIMMA Lab to find suitable assignments. Special attention should be paid to the following:

  • It is a good idea to assign different assignments to a virtual company to be able to cross resources.
  • The assignment must not be too easy, but on the other hand, not insurmountable. Too easy or difficult task to calculate motivation.
  • In an optimal case, the assignment has a separate client who directs the work in the right direction and gives feedback. The sponsor should be available during WIMMA Lab. If there is insufficient feedback from the sponsor, the development of the work may possibly continue in the wrong direction.
  • The assignment must solve a problem. This creates motivation when not working "for nothing". It is also worth considering whether the assignments have a common theme. For example, the theme may come from some trend on the surface.

Virtual company connections
The picture shows the relationships between virtual companies in the summer of 2018.