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11 Guests

WIMMA Lab has a lot of visitors from different companies. They get an excellent opportunity to get to know the students better and to market their own company.

It is advisable to go through the basics of receiving a guest with everyone before visiting outside guests. It is a good idea to agree on a common code of conduct in advance, for example, that no mobile phones are flipped in the presence of the visitor. Already a badly behaved person can leave a negative impression on the visitor, and he or she may not come again for the second time.

11.1 Knowledge building

Business guests can be asked to talk about their own expertise, especially if it is related to the subject matter of the assignments. For example, a guest can give a small lecture on his / her special skills. In this way, the terminology of the field will become familiar and students will at the same time gain an understanding of the goals and challenges of the right working life.

If a virtual company has an acute emergency and the guest might be able to help, he / she can be asked for advice on the problem.

11.2 Showing competence

WIMMA Labilians will also be given the opportunity to share their expertise when every guest is visiting. Especially in the IT field, telling yourself about yourself can sometimes be challenging, providing visitors with an excellent opportunity to talk to practice. Please note that not all guests are necessarily occupants. In this case, you should be able to tell your skills in a 'lay language', that is, to leave out difficult terms in the field.

11.3 Networking

While visiting, it is good to remind WIMMA Labians of the importance of networking, as it is very often forgotten. In the future, networking may be useful in finding placements and jobs as well as in theses. WIMMA Lab had its own business card in the summer of 2018. Each virtual company was also provided with their own business cards, behind which the members of the company were able to write their own contact information and their LinkedIn addresses. The remaining physical reminder leaves a more permanent image to its recipient.

WIMMA Lab and guests from Qvantel
WIMMA Labians and guests from Qvantel. Photo: Lauri Mäkinen.

11.4 Raising motivation

Visiting guests has been found to increase WIMMA Labile's motivation in general. Studying in the school world sometimes gets tired and tired, so guests are welcome to the future. It is nice when the professional is giving feedback and getting to know the work, also bringing new perspectives. At the same time, one's own image of the choice of profession is confirmed.