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12.0 Events

WIMMA Lab has a number of different events, such as Kettu Keter and Kaunai, whose main purpose is to lift the spirit and at the same time to relieve pressure. It is important to have 'own stuff' that can be discussed in the next few days.

There are also more formal events, such as the Open Doors, which are designed to show expertise to third parties and to raise interest. It is essential for the continuation of WIMMA Lab that companies show interest in it, as companies get orders, guidance and equipment for use.

12.1 Open Doors

Open Doors are WIMMA Lab's biggest and most public event, presenting the outputs of virtual companies to external companies and others. The event aims to gather feedback on the work done and to network with people in their field.

Each virtual company can demolish its own products and members can share their own expertise and role in product implementation.

Pengwin Media demo point
Pengwin Media Demo Point Ready for Open Doors Guests.

12.1.1 Well Before Open Doors

It is advisable to start the marketing of open doors as early as possible in order to attract the attention of the guests. Every available channel should be utilized and messages, videos and pictures should be put on several times a week. This keeps the time fresh in the memory and is not forgotten. It is also a good idea for the instructors to use their own contacts for the benefit and invite guests with personalized, personal messages to visit the Open Doors.

In good time, one should consider whether the Open Doors should be arranged in the workplace itself, or whether the event should be reserved for its own space. If dozens of guests are expected, booking your own space is a better option for everyone to get around well. The chairs are also good to book in the room so that guests can sit for the information session.

If the event is to serve, for example, coffee and buns, ordering them and planning the service should be done in time. The service should be designed as smoothly as possible so that there is no so-called "table" in front of the table. "Bottlenecks". It is also advisable to take into account any special diets that you might want, such as juice and tea.

It is good to build the demo spaces of virtual companies in time and test that the hardware used works as desired. For each product it would be a good idea to make a newsletter showing the main points of the assignment. For teammates, it is also advisable to make nameplates that can be attached to the chest, where you can tell a few keywords in addition to your own name and your company name, for example.

In the summer of 2018, each virtual company received its own area of responsibility, which they managed to manage themselves:

  • Mysticons: organizing a coffee table and distributing coffee during the event.
  • Iotitude: Obtaining Demo Hardware for Virtual Companies.
  • Overflow: Organizing Network Connections for Demo Points.
  • Pengwin Media: Newsletters for businesses, name tags, signboards, marketing.

General leaflets about WIMMA Lab can also be printed for guests to share, creating a more memorable experience.

In the summer of 2018 WIMMA Lab's Open Doors were held on Wednesday 13.6. It is important to organize the event well in advance before everyone leaves for a summer holiday. It is much more difficult to get people to visit at the summer holiday.

Brochures and business cards
Brochures and Business Cards Made by Pengwin Media For Open Doors.

12.1.2 Just Before Open Doors

At this stage, every WIMMA Lab should have an up-to-date LinkedIn account in order to make the networking as smooth as possible.

Signs should be placed in all critical locations to ensure that arriving guests are sure to arrive from the front door. You should also consider alternative routes, for example, are the guests lifting the elevator up or down the stairs?

Elevator sign
Opening doors in the elevator.

Every WIMMA Labi should know clearly about his / her own work and the assignment of the virtual company. It must be taken into account (especially in the IT sector) that not all guests understand the terms in the field.

12.1.3 During Open Doors

Guests are polite to welcome and thank them for participating in the event right from the start. When everyone has got a cup of coffee in their hand and sat down, they can hold a brief presentation and tell WIMMA Lab.

After the presentation, guests will be able to walk around the virtual companies demo points and explore the WIMMA Labiles and their achievements.

It is also advisable to reserve time for networking so that not all the time is spent on presenting the product. Tasks should be recycled so that everyone has time to talk to people elsewhere than at their own point.

Iotitude presenting their demo
Members of Iotitudes present the demo at the Open Doors.

12.1.4 After Open Doors

When all the guests have left, it's time to relax a little. Open doors are a rather stressful event, as few students are used to socializing so much with unknown people.

It is a good idea to leave room clean for the next day, as everyone is very tired at this point after a long day. After the fluttering, you can conveniently go to the Ketti Keter.

Open doors can be used to postpone, for example, a video of the best parts of the event and a good man. The video is a nice way to thank the guests and get the people who didn't get there. If it is not possible to make a video, the photo is a nice memory of the event.

12.2 Kettu Keter

The Fox Keter, in other words Get together, is after the Open Doors, where WIMMA Labs and instructors gather to unload pressure and celebrate the End of Open Doors. At the same time, you can explore other WIMMA Labs in a more informal environment.

A chain sponsor should get a separate sponsor who will also take part in the night out. For example, a sponsor can publish food for all participants at a restaurant. For example, a sponsor might be a company that wants to get to know WIMMA Labs in a more relaxed way. It is advisable to agree on the budget well in advance and inform the participants what to spend and what amount.

For the event, it is advisable to reserve enough tables at a suitable restaurant in time to allow everyone to sit close together. It is worthwhile to get to know the menu in advance and, as far as possible, all participants can already collect the orders and deliver them to the restaurant. This accelerates the delivery of a large order and facilitates the tasks of restaurant workers. This will also ensure that the agreed budget is maintained.

When organizing a Dual Party, it is worth taking into account that there may be little flexibility in working hours for the next morning.

Fox Keter was held in the summer of 2018 in the restaurant Sohw.

12.3 Kaunailta

From Kaunas, WIMMA Lab is an event to mark the closing of summer events and to evaluate the work done.

Like Kettu Keter, Kaunailla also needs to look for a good time for the sponsor to spend the evening's expenses. The event is supposed to be free-form and the evening program can include, for example, sauna and eating. All WIMMA Labs, instructors and, of course, the sponsor of the event, participate in Kaunailta.

In the summer of 2018, Qvantel sponsors a WIMMA Labile for a sauna night in its own representation. In addition, the WIMMA Labs received pizza and a few food drinks per face.

Please note that there will probably be more representatives of the sponsoring company on the spot. Even though the evening is free-form, it is good to think about what kind of image you want to give to a potential recruiter.

However, the main goal of the evening is to have fun, so that everyone can leave WIMMA Lab behind.

WIMMA Labilians enjoy the beautiful reel in the summer of 2018. In order to maintain a good team spirit, it is sometimes advisable to leave the office and have fun together.