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SEC - Introduction to information security testing

A video for information security testing can be found on panopto.

About service production and security - Valu Digital Oy

About Software Library/Component Quality Metrics

There is lot's of software components and librarys available for developer around the internet. Important question from security point of view is which one of them are trustworthy enough? Commonly software library componets are development and delivered as projects eg. Github and needed source files/packages are easily to download to be integrated as part of development environment. What if some of external sources are affected by "Evil forces"?

Sonatype as company provides material, methods and tools to monitor your component sources as part of your development line

How to detect level of trustworthy and security inside component development project?

About Supply-chain and Open Source

Information security controls

There are many different types of information security controls and they are covered in more depth in advanced courses. These controls are held at the international level by many parties, but there are also Finnish models. In this case, we will get to know only one of the most used CIS controls. You can familiarize yourself with CIS controls here:, in this project we do not of course go ahead and implement all of this. First of all, let's look at only the requirements of implementation group 1, from which we will extract the most important points for the project in the manufacturing phase. There are even scanners and automation for CIS controls, but these tools are not necessarily effective when packaged in separate parts. I created a list that could have a few points that you could look at with thought:

CIS Control CIS safeguard Asset type Title
1 1,1 Devices Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory
2 2,1 Applications Establish and Maintain a Software Inventory
5 5,1 Users Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Accounts
5 5,2 Users Use Unique Passwords
5 5,4 Users Restrict Administrator Privileges to Dedicated Administrator Accounts
7 7,1 Applications Establish and Maintain a Vulnerability Management Process
7 7,3 Applications Perform Automated Operating System Patch Management
7 7,4 Applications Perform Automated Application Patch Management
8 8,1 Network Establish and Maintain an Audit Log Management Process
8 8,2 Network Collect Audit Logs
8 8,3 Network Ensure Adequate Audit Log Storage
9 9,2 Network Use DNS Filtering Services
11 11,1 Data Establish and Maintain a Data Recovery Process
11 11,2 Data Perform Automated Backups
11 11,3 Data Protect Recovery Data
11 11,4 Data Establish and Maintain an Isolated Instance of Recovery Data